Monday, July 9, 2007

History of the Hamilton Church of Christ

Hamilton, Alabama 1979

The church in Hamilton began meeting in the homes of members. There were only about two or three families then who were members of the church of christ in Hamilton. In 1905, the church began to meet in the courthouse. This continued until 1912. A wooden building was begun for the church in 1907, but was not completed for several years.

Around 1922, a brick building was constructed. The members did all the work except the laying of the brick. This first building consisted only of an auditorium. In 1925, classrooms were added. A new 550 seat auditorium was completed in 1960.

For a time in 1912-13, the church did not meet. There were then no male members of the church in Hamilton. Princie Mills and sister C.R. Franks were the only two members.

In 1913, J. G. Malphurs came on the scene and, with the help of Fannon Lambert, completed a one room wooden building. A great number of noteworthy preachers preached in meetings there. Such men as John Hudson, Bro. Lancaster, Bro. Dyes, Bro. Wallace, H. Leo Boles, C.R. Nichol, G.A. Dunn, W.A. Black, A.B. Lipscomb, and others contributed to the growth and edification of this congregation.

The first elders of the Hamilton congregation were brethren Cliff Mills, John Haney, J.L. Jackson, and A.R. Britton. The first preacher to speak “regularly” was W.A. Holley, who preached for the Guin church two Sundays and the Hamilton church two Sundays of each month. The first preacher to live among the Hamilton congregation and work with them was Jimmy Powell. Bro. Powell stayed from 1947 to 1949. Edsel Burleson followed him and remained until 1952. Bro. Burleson later returned and stayed until 1962. Bro Swindle followed Bro. Burleson’s first stay at Hamilton. Jerry Jenkins came after Bro. Burleson and stayed till 1966, at which time Truman Keith began work there for a year. Levi Sides came next and remained until 1970. He was followed by W.T. Allison, the present minister for the congregation.

The present elders are Ross Feltman, Howard Mays, Ross Dill, L.L. Moore, Caster Williams, Jim Davis, and Ray Owsley. (Written in the 1979 Marion County Sentinel)

Note: Brother W.T. Allison continued with the Hamilton Church as minister till 1988 and then Brother Dale Jenkins, who was born in Hamilton whose father is Brother Jerry Jenkins who now preaches for Roebuck Parkway Church of Christ in Birmingham, served as minister. Jerry Passed away 26 October 2010.

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