In 1949 a group of Christians from Sandusky, Ensley, and Adamsville Churches of Christ saw a need to establish a church in this area. Members came from Bayview, Minor, Edgewater, McDonald's Chapel, Mulga Hoagrown, and even as far away as Quintown. When the church began in 1950 it was known as the Mulga Church of Christ and met in the Masonic Hall, in Mulga.
The building on Mulga Loop Road was built around 1951. The congregation became known as the Maytown Church of Christ early in the 1970s, when the town was incorporated. A large classroom addition was added in 1971.
Early church leaders included W.D. Vance, Ira Mccleskey, David Lyon, Alfred Brown, James Alred, Alan Chism, and L.G. Parker. Preachers for the church included W.W. Wade (the first full-time minister), Fred Winslett, Paul Wilcutt, Owen Calvert, W.A. Holley (who was here about 17 years, Donald Davis, and the current preacher, David Courington, who moved here in 1978.
In 1978 those serving as elders were Teamus Garrison, Bill Hand, Ira McCleskey, and Erwin Poole. Those who have served since then include Charles Dill, Ivan Plyler, and the current elders - Daryl Custred, Kent Garrison, and David Courington.
Early in 2003, with our building filled almost to capacity, the elders began working with the congregation on a plan to build a larger facility. The result is the current building in Sylvan Springs, Alabama. With this new blessing, the congregation is excited about doing the Lord's work in the surrounding communities.
When you visit us, you will find a church that is unique from those in the world. You will find a church that is dedicated to doing the will of God, as he has revealed it to us in the holy Scriptures.
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