Saturday, October 13, 2007

Cedar Plains Christian Church


Pernie Morris

Cedar Plains is one of the historic churches of Morgan County, located five miles west of Falkville. It is probably the oldest Christian Church in the state of Alabama with continuous service. Dr. A.C. Henry pioneer preacher, preached there in 1874 and several years afterward. The church was able to furnish provisions for him and his family and Brother William Wood proposed to teach his children for half price.

Early records were destroyed when the home of W.P. Wallace burned, making it difficult to state exact dates of early events. I have known that in the fall of 1839, William M. Hackworth made their confessions and were immersed. In 1849 or 1850, another building was built for the use of church and school. Before there was a building meetings were held in the dwelling.

One of the early preachers was Jessie T. Wood Sr., called the “Walking Bible”. The land for the church was given by J.T. and Mary Jane Wood. Between 1880 and 1884, a frame building was erected about twenty feet north of the log building. W. O. Henderson returned home in 1947. The Falkville Christian Unity was formed of Piney Grove and Cedar Plains Christian Churches. They bought a house in Falkville for a parsonage.

On April 24, 1955, the church building was destroyed by a tornado. Work on a new building began in July. Most of the labor was voluntary. Money from insurance, sale of the parsonage, and contributions enabled the church to be paid for when dedicated October 14, 1956. Since then, many improvements have been made. Brother Jim Henderson is currently pastor.

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