Saturday, October 13, 2007

Falkville Christian Church


Rhona H. Summerford

Dr. A.C. Henry, physician/minister, lived in Falkville in the 1870’s, but the church was not organized until September 24, 1903, when S.P. and O.P. Speegel held a meeting. There were 37 members and a Sunday school of 57.

The lot for the church was purchased from E.L. and Leona C. Hays, for $100. S.P. Speegle, J.D. Wallace, M.V. Parker, Dr. W.M. Stringer, and John J. Wilhite were trustees.

Earliest records date from 1916, but early information comes from the “Alabama Christian.” In 1908 James Curtis, evangelist, held a short meeting in the Methodist Church, baptizing in Flint Creek. Evangelist H.G. Sedinger noted in 1909 that there was a nucleus for a fine congregation. S.M. Wilhite, preaching for Cedar Plains and Piney Grove, wrote in 1910 that there were five to eight members, a beautiful lot, but no building. By 1911 John G. Boone reported that over $500. had been raised for construction. Shortly after, the building was erected.

Falkville had irregular preaching for many years. Some early ministers were J.H. Hill, E.F. Corley, L.F. Abbott, Noble Edwards, C. Howard Matheny, E.N. Anthony, J.H. Gardner. W.M. Goodwin, T.P. Sharp, J.H. Havener, T.V. Hatchett, O.P. Speegle, W.O. Henderson, Paul E. Walker, O. Paul Walker, Ray McCulloch. and James H. Henderson, 1958 until the Falkville congregation joined with Piney Grove congregation in the building of the sanctuary adjacent to the old Piney Grove building.

On February 5, 1961, the church united with Piney Grove

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