CHRISTIAN ADVOCATE OCT. 10, 1867 P.816-817
Submitted by
Fred McCalebReport from
Elder J. Fanning. On last evening, I reached here from attending a meeting at
Friday night and continued until Thursday night, the result of which was 46
accessions; 36 by confession and baptism, 10 otherwise. It was indeed a triumph
of Truth over ignorance and sectarianism. Bro. J. Randolph came to our aid and
was the chief speaker. To the Lord be the praise for ever and ever and ever.
Amen. There are 2 congregations of the brethren in the vicinity numbering some
50 members each, known as the Luxapallilia and
churches there were some 15 accessions last year by my humble labor. Here is a
large field for Gospel laborers. I have calls continually so destitute to
preach, but owing to my extreme poverty, I am compelled to work on the farm. An
incalculable amount of good could be done in this country had we time to devote
to preaching. I am the only public man (that is preaching) laboring for the
Bible in 35 miles of this point. May the great Head of the Body bless you dear
brothers in every good and wise work. Yours in the hope of bliss eternally.
Lorenzo Dow
Dublin, Fayette Co.
Bro. Fanning: I have not seen your face and heard you sing "Jesus my all to
heaven has gone" with the chorus, "Die in the Field of Battle," since about the
year 1834 or 35, I think in
in Christ we do see in this great reformation. In the last 30 years in getting
back to an apostolic backing. If the change and progress has been so
significantly triumphant over Roman Catholicism and Sectarianism in 30 years,
what triumphs may we expect to see in the apostolic teaching in the next 30
My father, Elisha Randolph, organized many little congregations in North
Alabama, but for the want of ministerial labor (a thing which we have ever been
so destitute in this part of
firm and "established" brethren with but little apostasy. I have ever lived in
doing much good here, had we the necessary labor.
If there is a devoted brother in
can find it here. Should there be a preaching brother traveling the
they will respectfully be received at the church,
road west. The Brethren have well nigh completed a comfortable house for
worship, at the place, framed 30 by forty feet.
Brothers Jeremiah and Lorenzo D. Randolph commenced a meeting at this place on
Friday night before the first Lord's Day, inst., which lasted 7 successive days
and nights. The results of their labor was 42 immersions and 6 reclaimed,
making 48 in all. To the good Lord and his unerring truth be all the praise.
The brethren at this place meet regularly for worship, Bible classes and vocal
music. Worshipers now 110. By exchange I read the Gospel Advocate. I am always
lit up with the spirit.
Sincerely and devotedly,
Simeon Randolph
Gospel Advocate Jan. 1868 page 5
Minutes of the Ala. and Miss. Co-operation meeting Columbus, Miss. March 9
A committee was appointed to prepare a plan of operation and co-operation. The
committee composed of J.M. Pickens, Alex Elliott, Jeremiah Randolph, O.C.
Bumpass, and S.N.D. Hill.
Gospel Advocate no 12 1868 p 1092
Providence, Ala. Oct 28, 1868
Bro. L.D. Randolph was called and employed to preach and speak by the brethren
at Antioch, Luxapalila, Berea, and George Creek churches within their bounds
beginning the 2nd Lord's Day, inst. The immediate result of his labors is 82
accessions. So the army of the faithful, some 40 by confession and baptism and
42 from the sectarian churches, among who was some of the 1st class minds of
our country. This is, indeed, a great achievement for the good cause, in our
down trodden, sectarian zed land where ignorance, error, detraction, and
misrepresentation of the grossest type, have been to contend with. But truth is
mighty and will prevail.
The brethren of the above churches met in co-operation at Berea Church on Friday
evening before the 2nd Lord's day,inst. The meeting continued until the Tuesday
night following. The immediate result was 12 additions to the congregation.
The preaching and brethren present were Elders J. Randolph, J. Taylor, E.C.
Barnes?, L.D. Randolph, with the elders of the church, John Tyler McCaleb &
L.D. Randolph.
The report of said committee was, that the sum of $300 was subscribed in good
faith and that Bro. L.D. Randolph was called and kindly requested to dedicate
so much of his time- say from the first of June to the close of the year for
said amount, which he agreed to do. J.F.M. Kizer
Oct. 29, 1891 P. 681
New River Oct, 1891
We have just held a big meeting which resulted in 26 additions. Bro. Jerry
Randolph did the preaching.
White McCaleb
March 13, 1889 p.174
Sister Minerva Randolph was born Dec. 26, 1828, obeyed the gospel under the
labors of Bro Jesse Sewell in White County, Tn. during the year 1845, departed
this life 26 dec. 1859.
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